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Motivational Possibilities Scale

Test results

Test ID: 16

Your motivational activity


Your score in motivational activity is one of the most common scores for half of the working people. This result is considered normal. Your work motivation level is moderately high.

You have enough energy and activity to complete your professional tasks.

Organizational attractiveness for you


Your score matches up with the most common score for a third of all working people. This score characterizes the very middle of the norm. We can say that you rate your organization moderately.

Graphical representation of comparison
results of assessing your motivational activity
and your organization's motivational attractiveness


Your driving forces are:

Driving forces are motives that are more important to you than to most people.

  • Sense of being successful
  • Competition excitement

These motives are more important to you than to most workers. This level of importance is seen in 15% of workers.

The possibility of implementing the following motives is within the norm:

  • Sense of being successful
  • Competition excitement

The appealing aspects of your organization for you may be:

  • Contacts with colleagues

Compared to their importance, you estimate the possibility of implementing these motives higher than most workers.

  • Social authority, prestige
  • Improvement of your professional competence
  • Satisfaction with your working activity
  • Satisfaction with the results of your working activity, with attaining your objects
  • Management, supervision over other employees
  • Sense of liberty and freedom in choosing
  • Sense of being helpful to other people
  • Possibilities for self-realization in particularly your professional activity
  • Satisfaction of your non-professional interests (family, friends, hobbies etc)

The possibilities of implementing these motives are enough for you or, at least, do not cause significant discomfort. They are within the norm.

Additional areas for improvement for you can be:

  • Sense of stability

You estimate the difference between the possibility of implementing these motives and their significance lower than most people.

  • Material welfare

You estimate the difference between the possibility of implementing these motives and their significance extremely low. You can feel stress from this.

You should place special attention to the following motives:

  • Promotion prospects

You estimate the difference between the possibility of implementing and the significance of the motives significantly lower than most people.

Finding opportunities of motive implementation within your organization will increase job satisfaction and personal effectiveness. For example,

  • for motivator “Sense of stability” ensuring safety, ecology of the workplace, constant salary and compliance with economic promises, long-term contract, clear criteria for evaluating work, clearly defined job description, clear work planning.
  • for motivator “Material welfare” a request for a "transparent" and understandable bonus grid, the ability to regulate one's salary in accordance with the criteria for evaluating work, the possibility of finding additional income within the company (performing related work, expanding the area of responsibility, etc.)
  • for motivator “Promotion prospects” assistance in the adaptation of new employees, management of a working group, a project, active participation in solving the problems of the company, a clear indication of career prospects within the company (not necessarily vertical), offering oneself to the reserve for a managerial position.

Additional information on significance

You view the possibility of implementing the following motives in your organization the same way as most people do:

  • Promotion prospects
  • Sense of stability
  • Material welfare
  • Satisfaction with the results of your working activity, with attaining your objects
  • Satisfaction with your working activity
  • Sense of being helpful to other people
  • Sense of liberty and freedom in choosing
  • Social authority, prestige
  • Management, supervision over other employees
  • Possibilities for self-realization in particularly your professional activity

To you, the following motives are less important than to most people:

15% of workers find these motived significant.

  • Improvement of your professional competence
  • Satisfaction of your non-professional interests (family, friends, hobbies etc)

These motives are unlikely to be significant motivators for you. However, the possibility of implementing them in the organization will lessen the likelihood of your dissatisfaction.

Additional information on possibility of implementing motives

You view the possibility of implementing the following motives within your organization the same way as most people do:

  • Sense of being successful
  • Satisfaction with your working activity
  • Satisfaction with the results of your working activity, with attaining your objects
  • Social authority, prestige
  • Sense of being helpful to other people
  • Contacts with colleagues
  • Satisfaction of your non-professional interests (family, friends, hobbies etc)
  • Competition excitement
  • Sense of liberty and freedom in choosing
  • Improvement of your professional competence
  • Management, supervision over other employees
  • Possibilities for self-realization in particularly your professional activity

You view the possibility of implementing the following motives within your organization lower than most people do:

Similar scores are common in 15% of workers.

  • Sense of stability
  • Material welfare

Similar scores are common in 2.5% of workers.

  • Promotion prospects

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